Our eseries has now finished while we think about getting back to normal racing. Thank you to all our sponsors for their support during the series.

The National Ministox Club are working with the MA Race Promotions to offer an e-racing series for our young drivers.

All our races will be live streamed on Facebook and Youtube here: www.facebook.com/MAracepromotions


Round 1 Wednesday 20th May - Skegness Raceway - (Sponsored by the National Ministox Club)

Heat 1: 180, 211, 45, 85, 345, 20, 110, 171, 239, 911 (212, 51, 335, 291, 934)

Heat 2: 180, 64, 45, 345, 85, 51, 291, 110, 20, 68 (335, 8, 211, 212, 171)

Heat 3: 64, 85, 248, 211, 20, 45, 345, 110, 51, 475 (291, 8, 335, 171, 180)

Heat 4: 180, h248, 345, 85, 20, 212, 8, 211, 51, 65 (239, 335, 911, 443, 110)

Final (UK Challenge Trophy): 85, 51, 239, 110, 20, 335, 64, 345, 212, 180 (8, 443, 171, h248, 475)

Allcomers: 45, 211, h248, 180, 239, 68, 64, 51, 85, 20 (171, 291, 212, 110, 77)

Round 2 Wednesday 27th May - Kings Lynn - (Sponsored by Richard Baldwin Motorhomes)

Heat 1: 68, 171, 211, 77, 20, 180, 85, 239, 335, 110 ( h248, 212, 345, 45, 475)

Heat 2: 211, 68, 212, 20, 85, h248, 77, 180, 475, 239 (934, 45, 171, 345, 335)

Final (Keir Millar Memorial): 68, 212, 211, 77, 180, h248, 475, 85, 20, 335 (239, 171, 934, 45, 110)

Grand National: 211, 20, 77, 239, 68, 345, 212, 335, 934, 475 (8, 171, nof)

Round 3 Wednesday 3rd June - Buxton - (Sponsored by Sheaf Skips)

Heat 1: 211, h248, 335, 212, 110, 85, 239, 934, 291, 20 (475, 345, 180, 171, 68)

Heat 2: 211, 68, 335, 180, 77, 212, 20, 85, h248, 45, (239, 475, 934, 345, 110)

Heat 3: 211, 212, 85, 239, 180, h248, 20, 68, 345, 475 (934, 45, 335, 110, 171)

Heat 4: h248, 85, 345, 211, 20, 934, 171, 212, 110, 335 (239, 64, 77, 475, 180)

Final (British Championship): 85, 212, 211, h248, 68, 20, 171, 239, 345, 335 (77, 934, 110, 475 nof)

Round 4 Sunday 28th June - Sheffield - (Sponsored by MA Race Promotions)

Heat 1: 212, 345, 85, 20, 68, 239, 934, 64, 171, 45 nof

Heat 2: 345, 212, 934, 239, 85, 171, 45, 77, 68, 20 (64 nof)

Heat 3: 212, 85, 68, 20, 345, 77, 45, 171, 239, 64 (934 nof)

Final: 68, h248, 171, 345, 20, 85, 934, 45, 64, 212 (77, 239, nof)

GN: 212, h248, 68, 85, 239, 20, 345, 934, 45, 171 nof

Round 5 Wednesday 1st July - Lochgelly - Scottish Championship (Sponsored by Michelle Oversby)

Heat 1: h248, 68, 85, 180, 171, 212, 345, 20, 934, 335 (77, 239, 443 nof)

Heat 2: 171, 85, 180, 68, 345, 934, 212, 20, h248, 239 (77, 335 nof)

Heat 3: 180, 85, 345, 335, 68, 20, 171, 239, 212, h248 (934, 77 nof)

Final (Scottish Championship): 68, 345, 171, 180, 85, h248, 212, 239, 20, 77 (934, 335, 443 nof)

GN: 180, 345, 171, h248, 212, 239, 85, 934, 20, 77 (443 nof)

Round 6 Wednesday 8th July - Belle Vue

Heat 1: 239, 20, 85, 68, h248, 345, 335, 212, 171, 934 (443 nof)

Heat 2: h248, 239, 85, 68, 335, 171, 212, 345, 20, 442 (934 nof)

Heat 3: 239, 20, 68, 180, 934, 345, 212, 335, 171, h248 (85, 443 nof)

Final: 180, h248, 239, 335, 20, 171, 212, 345, 85, 934 (443, 68 nof)

GN: 20, 335, 85, 68, 239, 212, 180, 345, 934, h248 (443, 171 nof)

Round 7 Wednesday 15th July - Skegness - European Championship

Heat 1: 934, 239, 20, 180, 212, 68, h248, 290, 335, 443

Heat 2: 335, 20, h248, 239, 934, 212, 180, 443, 68, 290

Heat 3: 180, h248, 335, 212, 20, 934, 68, 239, 290, 443

Final (European Championship): 68, 212, 335, 239, 20, 180, 290, 934, 443, nof

GN: 180, 68, 335, 290, 212, 239, 20, 934, 443, nof

Points :

Points after round 7.JPG
