2019 Results
Birmingham - Saturday 23rd March 2019 - Sponsored by Raven Drones (Team #120)
Heat 1: 1, 381, 414, 84, 361, 233, 290, 93, 287, 99 (277, 475, 64, 285, 197)
Heat 2: 77, 84, 299, 290, 293, 277, 281, 24, 64, 239 (211, 68, 414, 186, 171)
Heat 3: 77, 233, 299, 68, 475, 392, 1, 24, 287, 281 (171, 186, 211, 291, 443)
Final: 381, 84, 77, 392, 211, 299, 361, 290, 414, 24 (171, 291, nof)
GN: 293, 77 291, 414, 290, 211, 381, 299, 1, 392, (24, 171, 361, 186, 281)
Grade Awards: Novice #93 Ian Lewis, White #293 Elexie Bartram, Yellow #77 Tom Earl, Blue #211 Tom Birchenough
Belle Vue - Sunday 24th March 2019 - Winternational Championship and North Western Championship - Sponsored by Whitworth Engines
Heat 1: 475, 381, 1 24, 299, 120, 84, 361, 290, 239 (64, 392, 287, 93, 77)
Heat 2: 239, 299, 475, 381, 1, 84, 290, 24, 361, 93 (223, 77, 64, nof)
Final: 381, 299, 290, 77, 84, 223, 64, 239, 120, 1 (361, 93, 475, nof)
GN: 24, 290, 1, 299, 93, 239, 287, 381, 120, 77 (84, nof)
Grade Awards: Novice #93 Ian Lewis, White #239 Lewis Smith, Yellow #77 Tom Earl, Blue #120 Finn Hunter-Johnson
Winternational Champion - #239 Lewis Smith
North Western Champion - #381 Tyrone Evans
Kings Lynn - Saturday 30th March 2019 - Kev Sutton Memorial
Heat 1: 392, 223, 299, 239, 120, 84, 24, 290, 391, 112 (64, 67, 281, 8, 287)
Heat 2: 381, 1, 77, 290, 24, 211, 84, 67, 291, 239 (64, 293, 287, 277, 475)
Heat 3: 291, 1, 77, 381, 392, 391, 277, 211, 475, 120 (443, 281, 186, 223, 99)
Final: 1, 77, 291, 277, 381, 392, 290, 299, 239, 84 (475, 120, 67, 211, 24)
Grade Awards: Novice #186 Kasey Jones, White #291 Liam Waterfall, Yellow #77 Tom Earl, Blue #277 Thomas Rogers
Kev Sutton Memorial Winner - #1 Jack Witts
Mildenhall - Saturday 6th April 2019
Heat 1: 77, 223, 1, 392, 475, 67, 84, 443, 281, 120 (311, 293, 239, 27, 414)
Heat 2: 77, 120, 381, 291, 391, 392, 239, 171, 84, 290 (55, 211, 361, 99, 93)
Heat 3: 186, 291, 391, 381, 1, 211, 67, 281, 223, 361 (311, 414, 55, 93, 99)
Final: 1, 381, 290, 392, 77, 186, 311, 281, 443, 67 (361, 84, 239, 211, 391)
GN: 211, 290, 186, 1, 381, 285, 392, 67, 120, 391 (84, 361, 281, 475, 291)
Grade Awards: Novice #99 Sid Smith, White #186 Kasey Jones, Yellow #77 Tom Earl, Blue #211 Tom Birchenough
Mildenhall - Sunday 7th April 2019
Heat 1: 239, 291, 93, 443, 223, 77, 925, 311, 27, 28 (293, 64, 55, 99, nof) (white and yellow only)
Heat 2: 475, 67, 239, 361, 211, 1, 381, 392, 84, 290 (281, 120, 414, 391, 27)
Heat 3: 67, 392, 211, 381, 1, 361, 287, 391, 285, 291 (blue, red and superstar only)
Final: 1, 392, 290, 475, 28, 239, 381, 287, 120, 281 (391, 93, 55, 291, 925)
GN: 291, 64, 93, 67, 290, 392, 381, 211, 120, 223 (443, 1, 475, 55, 99)
Grade Awards: Novice #27 Luke Syrett-Barsby, White #239 Lewis Smith, Yellow #28 Josh Wilson, Blue #67 Henry Robson
Skegness - Friday 19th April 2019 - Stockcar Journal
Heat 1: 1, 391, 361, 392, 211, 84, 68. 475, 233, 64 (299, 93, 911, 934, 120)
Heat 2: 277, 391, 361, 1, 414, 285, 171, 24, 381, 239 (84, 67, 290, 77, 293)
Heat 3: 392, 414, 299, 381, 290, 171, 287, 233, 77, 68 (277, 24, 239, 120, 29)
Final: 414, 277, 392, 67, 285, 211, 381, 1, 84, 112 (120, 233, 186, 290, 27)
Grade Awards: Novice #911 Lucas Hanson, White #171 Tom Dunne, Yellow #414 Harrison Careless-Veall, Blue #285 Briannie Davis
Stockcar Journal Winner - #392 Lewis Evans and #414 Harrison Careless-Veall
Stoke - Saturday 20th April 2019
Heat 1: 99, 28, 27, 293, 186, 277, 64, 414, 8, 443 (white and yellow only)
Heat 2: 186, 381, 361, 24, 299, 1, 391, 475, 239, 67 (211, 293, 77, 223, 84)
Heat 3: 299, 381, 392, 1, 77, 211, 239, 8, 24, 277 (475, 414, 361, nof)
Final: 381, 186, 299, 475, 67, 24, 361, 64, 1, 223 (392, 311, 277, 211, nof)
GN: 186, 392, 1, 475, 24, 299, 239, 293, 8, 277 (381, 211, 223, 361, 443)
Grade Awards: Novice #8 Harry Taylor, White #99 Sid Smith, Yellow #186 Kasey Jones, Blue #361 Lucy Shaw
Northampton - Monday 22nd April 2019 - Northampton Championship
Heat 1: 1, 392, 93, 211, 290, 277, 285, 77, 186, 171 (84, 8, 223, 361, 475)
Heat 2: 290, 277, 299, 1, 381, 391, 93, 475, 27, 77 (291, 293, 443, 197, 112)
Heat 3: 293, 391, 392, 381, 299, 223, 67, 171, 84, 186 (443, 287, 99, 291, 239)
Final: 392, 84, 299, 211, 67, 381, 285, 475, 171, 186 (443, 291, 287, 27, nof)
GN: 99, 381, 285, 84, 299, 29, 277, 112, 171, 287 (211, 475, 239, 27, nof)
Grade Awards: Novice #197 Joseph Cavanagh, White #99 Sid Smith, Yellow #277 Thomas Rogers, Blue #285 Briannie Davis
Northampton Champion - #392 Lewis Evans
Birmingham - Saturday 4th May 2019 - Incarace Gold Cup
Heat 1: 392, 84, 475, 414, 311, 277, 285, 68, 77, 29 (299, 211, 112, 171, 934)
Heat 2: 99, 27, 1, 28, 391, 120, 361, 24, 281, 381 (290, 186, 291, 443, 293)
Consolation: 233, 171, 299, 239, 186, 290, 293, 211, 112, 291 (64, 934, 212, 443, nof)
Final: 381, 392, 1, 84, 290, 299, 24, 68, 475, 285 (281, 211, 277, 186, 233)
GN: 68, 475, 84, 381, 311, 285, 391, 112, 1, 24 (77, 223, 281, 64, ?)
Grade Awards: Novice #934 Calum Williams, White #311 Jake Bointon, Yellow #186 Kasey Jones, Blue #68 Callum Thornton
Incarace Gold Cup Winner - #381 Tyrone Evans
Belle Vue - Monday 6th May 2019
Heat 1: 24, 291, 67, 392, 171, 211, 475, 391, 381, 311 (290, 287, 93, 186, 28)
Heat 2: 311, 67, 24, 475, 93, 381, 28, 281, 290, 211 (186, 392, 391, 239, 84)
Final: 381, 392, 391, 311, 1, 291, 28, 211, 171, 281 (290, 93, 186, 475, 64)
Grade Awards: White #311 Jake Bointon, Yellow #93 Ian Lewis, Blue #291 Liam Waterfall
Skegness - Saturday 11th May 2019
Heat 1: 391, 299, 112, 293, 290, 285, 233, 223, 29, 335 (27, 934, 475, 212, 234)
Heat 2: 68, 391, 29, 381, 392, 64, 475, 1, 84, 239 (287, 285, 77, 311, 414)
Heat 3: 392, 361, 239, 211, 24, 112, 290, 120, 84, 293 (233, 287, 414, 212, 27)
Heat 4: 68, 233, 391, 120, 29, 1, 186, 381, 64, 171 (24, 475, 290, 285, 211)
Heat 5: 68, 1, 392, 381, 239, 361, 24, 112, 120, 293 (299, 84, 64, 934, 311)
Grade Awards: Novice #212 Ollie Armstrong, White #233 Tilly Partridge, Yellow #68 Callum Thornton, Blue #391 Rebecca Smith
Skegness - Sunday 12th May 2019 - Skegness Open
Heat 1: 391, 29, 112, 233, 287, 414, 64, 392, 299, 24 (290, 285, 77, 361, 293)
Heat 2: 381, 392, 68, 361, 84, 77, 239, 120, 29, 287 (414, 223, 911, 211, 234)
Heat 3: 68, 391, 381, 24, 1, 392, 475, 299, 84, 112 (186, 239, 120, 287, 233)
Heat 4: 391, 299, 290, 381, 233, 475, 84, 112, 29, 24 (77, 68, 361, 186, 171)
Final: 391, 392, 1, 84, 299, 239, 475, 24, 186, 77 (287, 290, 112, 233, 211)
Grade Awards: Novice #911 Lucas Hanson, White #233 Tilly Partridge, Yellow #68 Callum Thornton, Blue #391 Rebecca Smith
Skegness Open Champion - #391 Rebecca Smith
Stoke - Saturday 18th May 2019 - Midland Championship
Heat 1: 93, 291, 24, 381, 287, 475, 391, 77, 211, 281 (67, 392, 1, 84, 27)
Heat 2: 93, 27, 391, 291, 475, 186, 392, 67, 64, 381 (281, 1, 24, 299, 211)
Final: 391, 93, 1, 392, 299, 67, 475, 281, 211, 414 (84, 186, 27, 287, nof)
GN: 93, 1, 67, 392, 281, 186, 291, 77, 475, 391 (414, 211, nof)
Grade Awards: White #93 Ian Lewis, Yellow #281 George Davis, Blue #391 Rebecca Smith
Midland Champion - #391 Rebecca Smith
Kings Lynn - Saturday 25th May 2019 - Kings Lynn Open
Heat 1: 99, 93, 186, 391, 24, 381, 392, 475, 1, 29 (299, 27, 77, 211, 361)
Heat 2: 392, 1, 27, 475, 67, 299, 77, 24, 239, 93 (443, 84, 223, 925, 211)
Final: 1, 392, 391, 67, 211, 299, 77, 186, 84, 361 (223, 443, 93, 239, nof)
Grade Awards: White #99 Sid Smith, Yellow #186 Kasey Jones, Blue #239 Lewis Smith
Kings Lynn Open Champion - #1 Jack Witts
Belle Vue - Monday 27th May 2019 - Northern Championship
Heat 1: 93, 64, 1, 391, 24, 84, 29, 299, 392, 28 (211, 77, 27, 925, 239)
Heat 2: 1, 381, 392, 391, 24, 64, 211, 239, 84, 299 (475, 77, 291, 925, nof)
Final: 29, 381, 392, 93, 1, 391, 239, 77, 299, 475 (28, 211, 84, 24, nof)
GN: 93, 29, 24, 392, 1, 381, 239, 77, 84, 211 (291, nof)
Grade Awards: White #64 Sam Critchley, Yellow #93 Ian Lewis, Blue #29 Gracie Squire
Northern Champion - #29 Gracie Squire
Stoke - Saturday 1st June 2019
Heat 1: 233, 29, 223, 925, 381, 28, 24, 287, 211, 392 (475, 361, 84, 239, 311)
Heat 2: 391, 93, 186, 1, 233, 392, 291, 24, 67, 475 (77, 84, 311, 239, nof)
Heat 3: 64, 93, 391, 186, 29, 67, 291, 1, 381, 287 (211, 361, 77, 299, 925)
Final: 391, 381, 233, 186, 29, 1, 67, 392, 24, 287 (211, 299, 84, 311, 925)
Grade Awards: White #233 Tilly Partridge, Yellow #186 Kasey Jones, Blue #29 Gracie Squire
Birmingham - Saturday 8th June 2019
Heat 1: 293, 120, 285, 335, 64, 223, 414, 287, 197, 311 (911, nof) (white and yellow only)
Heat 2: 24, 285, 392, 414, 239, 311, 29, 233, 391, 77 (335, 1, 911, nof)
Heat 3: 391, 392, 414, 293, 381, 84, 24, 287, 239, 277 (64, 186, 475, 233, 197)
Heat 4: 1, 285, 293, 84, 475, 381, 77, 211, 186, 233 (299, 93, 287, 29, 223)
Heat 5: 186, 277, 392, 381, 391, 1, 29, 233, 299, 211 (84, 475, 93, 24, 77) (blue, red and superstar only)
Grade Awards: Novice #197 Joseph Cavanagh, White #293 Elexie Bartram, Yellow #285 Briannie Davis, Blue #186 Kasey Jones
Buxton - Sunday 9th June 2019
Heat 1: 68, 1, 355, 311, 84, 211, 239, 361, 64, 233 (223, nof)
Heat 2: 1, 392, 68, 475, 299, 24, 186, 84, 11, 414 (934, 293, nof)
Heat 3: 293, 392, 381, 120, 186, 285, 934, 391, 299, 475 (287, 277, 239, 414, 361)
Final: 392, 1, 381, 299, 293, 120, 84, 186, 475, 277 (211, 285, 361, 29, 64)
Allcomers: 1, 392, 381, 475, 64, 391, 186, 299, 287, 84 (277, 285, 934, 211, 120)
Grade Awards: Novice n/a, White #293 Elexie Bartram, Yellow #68 Callum Thornton, Blue #186 Kasey Jones
Hednesford - Sunday 16th June 2019 - British Championship
Heat 1: 285, 392, 391, 290, 299, 112, 1, 287, 110, 171 (77, 311, 361, 233, 475)
Heat 2: 68, 934, 392, 391, 381, 299, 171, 290, 186, 246 (4, 120, 84, 233, 110)
Heat 3: 68, 392, 285, 1, 391, 246, 120, 475, 293, 112 (171, 361, 211, 77, 64)
Heat 4: 68, 285, 381, 1, 934, 290, 84, 293, 299, 311 (211, 233, 239, 77, 246)
Final: 68, 1, 392, 299, 381, 391, 290, 285, 110, 84 (475, 77, 361, 171, 211)
Grade Awards: Novice n/a, White #934 Calum Williams, Yellow #68 Callum Thornton, Blue #361 Lucy Shaw
British Champion - #68 Callum Thornton
Ipswich - Saturday 22nd June 2019 - Golden Helmet
Heat 1: 68, 934, 391, 392, 299, 186, 381, 290, 239, 1 (246, 211, 84, 112, 287)
Heat 2: 68, 934, 392, 186, 290, 475, 293, 233, 381, 110 (287, 112, 84, 211, 223)
Final: 391, 392, 299, 68, 381, 290, 293, 246, 211, 84 (11, 475, 112, 120, 223)
Grade Awards: Novice n/a, White #934 Calum Williams, Yellow #68 Callum Thornton, Blue #186 Kasey Jones
Golden Helmet - #391 Rebecca Smith
Sheffield - Sunday 23rd June 2019
Heat 1: 1, 246, 84, 24, 285, 281, 211, 475, 391, 291 (110, 93, 186, 197, nof)
Heat 2: 381, 24, 392, 1, 299, 77, 171, 475, 290, 120 (285, 197, nof)
Heat 3: 381, 392, 246, 186, 299, 77, 281, 110, 84, 27 (239, 197, 211, 120)
Final: 186, 381, 171, 1, 285, 475, 392, 281, 211, 77 (391, 246, 27, 93, 84)
Allcomers: 171, 285, 381, 291, 1, 93, 392, 391, 27, 211 (239, 186, 77, 197, nof)
Grade Awards: Novice #197 Joe Cavanagh, White #171 Tom Dunne, Yellow #281 George Davis, Blue #285 Briannie Davis
Mildenhall - Saturday 29th June 2019
Heat 1: 391, 392, 246, 77, 120, 211, 311, 68, 239, 84 (287, 64, 443, 171, nof)
Heat 2: 120, 392, 475, 27, 311, 1, 299, 67, 211, 361 (285, 84, 171, 233, nof)
Heat 3: 293, 27, 335, 381, 1, 285, 246, 475, 233, 361 (387, 239, 443, nof)
Final: 381, 392, 1, 120, 27, 246, 475, 211, 293, 67 (285, 361, 311, 171, 84)
Allcomers: 27, 925, 120, 246, 293, 171, 381, 1, 475, 233 (361, 239, 287, 443, 311)
Grade Awards: Novice n/a, White #27 Luke Syrett-Barsby, Yellow #120 Fin Hunter-Johnson, Blue #293 Elexie Bartram
Buxton - Saturday 6th July 2019
Heat 1: 381, 246, 392, 299, 290, 84, 112, 239, 233, 110 (77, 55, 93, 29, 287)
Heat 2: 112, 277, 186, 361, 392, 299, 84, 290, 475, 211 (29, 27, 239, 64, 287)
Heat 3: 246, 112, 392, 475, 120, 381, 233, 84, 239, 77 (29, 414, 93, 27, 186)
Heat 4: 381, 246, 299, 293, 277, 475, 290, 186, 120, 233 (77, 55, 93, 68, 64)
Final: 381, 246, 299, 392, 290, 475, 84, 186, 112, 77 (110, 211, 239, 68, 29)
Grade Awards: Novice n/a, White #112 Tom Armstrong, Yellow #277 Tom Rogers, Blue #239 Lewis Smith
Buxton - Sunday 7th July 2019
Heat 1: 110, 392, 29, 475, 77, 186, 290, 93, 233, 223 (197, 112, 212, 361, 293)
Heat 2: 381, 299, 246, 84, 68, 211, 239, 414, 27, 212 (171, 234, 69, nof)
Consolation: 112, 361, 223, 925, 27, 443, 64, 335, 171, 212 (197, 293, 69, 287, 234)
Final: 246, 381, 68, 112, 299, 392, 290, 475, 84, 29 (77, 361, 414, 27, 64)
Grand national: 246, 381, 299, 392, 290, 29, 475, 110, 84, 211 (77, 414, 68, 287, 293)
Grade Awards: Novice #212 Ollie Armstrong, White #112 Tom Armstrong, Yellow #29 Gracie Squire, Blue #68 Callum Thornton
Sheffield - 4th August 2019
Heat 1: 392, 27, 120, 171, 77, 290, 299, 287, 29, 414 (93, 291, 85, nof)
Heat 2: 27, 246, 55, 211, 93, 291, 186, 239, 120, 475 (287, nof)
Heat 3: 392,381, 55, 414, 475, 211, 290, 29, 239, 85 (171, 77, nof)
Final: 246, 392, 381, 67, 211, 27, 290, 120, 414, 291 (239, 475, nof)
Grand national: 246, 381, 67, 290, 55, 414, 77, 27, 291, 186 (85, 287, 171, 239, nof)
Grade Awards: Novice #85 Caiden Morrison, White #27 Luke Syrett-Barsby, Yellow #414 Harrison Careless-Veall, Blue #211 Tom Birchenough
Skegness - 6th August 2019
Heat 1: 233, 112, 120, 68, 77, 27, 392, 290, 223, 293 (299, 84, 285, 212, nof)
Heat 2: 246, 171, 211, 475, 186, 335, 414, 277, 239, 85 (287, 361, 911, 443, nof)
Consolation: 381, 299, 29, 361, 285, 84, 293, 85, 443, 287 (223, 291, 239, 28, 212)
Final: 246, 381, 392, 299, 84, 475, 290, 77, 212, 211 (29, 277, 68, 413, 233)
Grand national: 112, 277, 246, 414, 233, 171, 475, 27, 77, 211 (392, 186, 120, 290, 28)
Grade Awards: Novice #212 Ollie Armstrong, White #112 Tom Armstrong, Yellow #233 Tilly Partridge, Blue #211 Tom Birchenough
Great Yarmouth - 7th August 2019
Heat 1: 381, 112, 392, 299, 77, 29, 84, 414, 27, 291 (293, 85, nof)
Heat 2: 246, 112, 233, 68, 475, 120, 291, 287, 69, 211 (nof)
Heat 3: 381, 475, 299, 84, 233, 29, 186, 68, 211, 414 (85, 287, 69, nof)
Final: 381, 392, 233, 246, 475, 112, 299, 84, 414, 29 (186, 291, 120, 211, 277)
Grade Awards: Novice #69 Josh Hattersley, White #112 Tom Armstrong, Yellow #233 Tilly Partridge, Blue #68 Callum Thornton
Buxton - 11th August 2019
Heat 1: 29, 277,233, 335, 85, 28, 925, 934, 223, 120 (91, 69, 279, nof)
Heat 2: 246, 392, 475, 277, 186, 84, 293, 233, 211, 68 (110, 223, 911, 69, 279)
Heat 3: 246, 381, 392, 475, 29, 110, 186, 211, 293, 414 (84, 935, 335, 120, 69)
Final: 246, 381, 392, 277, 475, 29, 110, 186, 84, 414 (211, 293, 233, 934, 925)
Grand national: 381, 246, 277, 392, 475, 29, 211, 84, 233, 414 (110, 186, 934, 293, 120)
Grade Awards: Novice #69 Josh Hattersley, White #335 Jake Woodhull, Yellow #277 Tom Rogers, Blue #110 Evan Bullock
Venray - 17th August 2019 - Sponsored by JBS Commercials - European Championship
Heat 1: 110, 293, 361, 381, 246, 223, 287, 112, 1, 392 (299, 84, 285, 239, 475)
Heat 2: 110, 381, 293, 239, 112, 299, 361, 277, 1, 392 (281, 475, 223, 246, 287)
Final: 381, 1, 287, 392, 475, 112, 110, 186, 67, 290 (239, 233, 171, 211, 246)
Grade Awards: Novice n/a, White #287 Amelia Wilkinson, Yellow #110 Evan Bullock, Blue #239 Lewis Smith
European Champion - #381 Tyrone Evans
Venray - 18th August 2019 - Sponsored by Playground Developments and A J Autos - Venray Open
Heat 1: 1, 287, 112, 299, 293, 361, 381, 84, 233, 392 (211, 277, 67, 246, 186)
Heat 2: 112, 381, 1, 84, 233, 299, 361, 392, 475, 239 (293, 186, 290, 281, 110)
Final: 299, 381, 293, 1, 110, 475, 392, 112, 287, 67 (239, 223, 84, 186, 291)
Grade Awards: Novice n/a, White #287 Amelia Wilkinson, Yellow #112 Tom Armstrong, Blue #233 Tilly Partridge
Venray Open winner - #299 Harley Burns
Belle Vue - 26th August 2019
Heat 1: 67, 381, 392, 77, 84, 93, 1, 171, 29, 27 (186, 64, 475, 120, 291)
Heat 2: 392, 246, 381, 55, 1, 85, 67, 186, 291, 29 (120, 93, 64, 77, 51)
Final: 392, 246, 381, 1, 55, 67, 186, 171, 475, 77 (84, 239, 233, 120, 64)
Grand national: 392, 381, 1, 246, 475, 239, 67, 64, 233, 77 (27, 84, 55, nof)
Grade Awards: Novice #51 Joelan Maynard, White #55 Lilly Finnikin, Yellow #171 Tom Dunne, Blue #239 Lewis Smith
Buxton - 7th September 2019 - Sponsored by Protech - Protech Challenge Trophy
Heat 1: 381, 299, 112, 110, 475, 361, 84, 77, 67, 239 (29, 64, 55, 223, 51)
Heat 2: 381, 392, 299, 1, 110, 112, 77, 414, 67, 233 (211, 120, 361, 290, 291)
Heat 3: 246, 392, 1, 68, 475, 299, 293, 414, 84, 223 (211, 361, 29, 287, 291)
Heat 4: 381, 392, 1, 246, 475, 68, 84, 293, 77, 211 (291, 239, 687, 197, 277)
Final: 381, 392, 246, 68, 299, 84, 475, 110, 77, 211 (291, 414, 239, 93, 29)
Grade Awards: Novice #51 Joelan Maynard, White #223 Toby Partridge, Yellow #110 Evan Bullock, Blue #68 Callum Thornton
Protech Challenge winner - #381 Tyrone Evans
Buxton - 8th September 2019 - Sponsored by MH Vehicle Services - Buxton Enduro Cup (Shootout Round 1)
Heat 1: 246, 1, 381, 414, 475, 29, 287, 277, 64, 211 (171, 223, 233, 85, 290)
Heat 2: 110, 299, 392, 84, 239, 293, 77, 186, 335, 361 (93, 27, 67, 279, nof)
Consolation: 361, 93, 233, 211, 64, 171, 223, 85, 911, 335 (27, 212, 69, 279, 197)
Final: 246, 381, 392, 1, 293, 475, 110, 299, 84, 414 (186, 29, 171, 277, 239)
Grand national: 381, 246, 293, 110, 392, 414, 239, 277, 84, 299 (29, 287, 77, 911, 197)
Grade Awards: Novice #279 Paige Hopkins, White #287 Amelia Wilkinson, Yellow #110 Evan Bullock, Blue #239 Lewis Smith
Buxton Enduro Cup - #246 Jenson Brickley
Birmingham - 28th September 2019 - Sponsored by DJT Surfacing - Northern and Midland Championship
Heat 1: 68, 392, 293, 186, 239, 299, 197, 287, 391, 414 (290, 84, 120, 361, 29)
Heat 2: 1, 84, 85, 361, 299, 392, 246, 239, 277, 287 (475, 29, 77, 211, 233)
Heat 3: 211, 246, 68, 1, 381, 85, 475, 391, 290, 67 (291, 120, 223, 911, 64)
Final: 391, 31, 246, 85, 392, 290, 475, 77, 93, 120 (361, 67, 287, 211, nof)
Grand national: 27, 414, 335, 28, 311, 293, 92, nof
Grade Awards: Novice #92 Ellie Squire, White #85 Caiden Morrison, Yellow #293 Elexie Bartram, Blue #68 Callum Thornton
Northern and Midland Champion - #391 Rebecca Smith
Aldershot - 29th September 2019 - Sponsored by Racing for Autism - Shootout Round 2
Heat 1: (whites & yellows) 64, 85, 223, 110, 414, 291, 51, 287, 92, 293 (279, nof)
Heat 2: 110, 246, 392, 112, 299, 381, 91, 285, 85, 293 (277, 67, 211, 51, 29)
Heat 3: 246, 299, 112, 392, 391, 1, 27, 287, 361, 475 (381, 186, 211, 277, 29)
Final: 246, 299, 85, 391, 475, 211, 84, 392, 110, 1 (29, 277, 120, 361, 287)
Grand national: 246, 1, 112, 110, 291, 84, 85, 211, 414, 2 (277, 475, 120, 27, 64)
Grade Awards: Novice #51 Joelan Maynard, White #85 Caiden Morrison, Yellow #110 Evan Bullock, Blue #29 Gracie Squire
Skegness - 12th October 2019 - Sponsored by Guinchard Performance - National Championship
National: 392, 246, 299, 391, 180, 68, 290, 475, 77, 84 (239, 171, 291, 381, 110)
Heat 2: 27, 120, 197, 51, 64, 248, 223, 361, 85, 911 (28, 335, 287, 212, 279)
Consolation: 110, 381, 277, 335, 211, 287, 112, 311, 93, 28 (293, 67, 186, 55, 212)
Final: 391, 1, 381, 246, 299, 277, 211, 475, 77, 110 (290, 51, 27, 239, 120)
Grand national: 299, 246, 1, 391, 84, 475, 51, 67, 248, 85 (120, 29, 27, 239, 77)
Grade Awards: Novice #212 Ollie Armstrong, White #51 Joelan Maynard, Yellow #277 Tom Rogers, Blue #68 Callum Thornton
National Champion - #392 Lewis Evans
Sheffield - 20th October 2019 - Sponsored by Grena Scaffolding - Reach for the Stars
Heat 1: 381, 64, 120, 67, 180, 55, 29, 93, 391, 77 (475, 186, 291, 290, 51)
Heat 2: 180, 171, 1, 391, 381, 29, 299, 84, 110, 239 (475, 28, 287, 85, 27)
Heat 3: 1, 64, 171, 110, 120, 299, 84, 239, 67, 290 (186, 77, 27, 246, 92)
Final: 246, 475, 381, 180, 29, 290, 186, 110, 171, 85 (239, 77, 55, 51, 287)
Grand national: 85, 180, 67, 171, 55, 246, 381, 51, 1, 475 (391, 29, 186, 77, 287)
Grade Awards: Novice #92 Ellie Squire, White #171 Tom Dunne, Yellow #110 Evan Bullock, Blue #29 Gracie Squire
Reach for the Stars - #110 Evan Bullock
Skegness - 24th October 2019 - Sponsored by Team #186 - East Coast Championship
Heat 1: 223, 180, 77, 277, 112, 186, 233, 84, 171, 290 (211, 361, 239, 475, 293)
Heat 2: 64, 246, 381, 1, 110, 299, 475, 239, 290, 85 (51, 112, 277, 211, 69)
Heat 3: 64, 1, 171, 287, 246, 381, 110, 223, 67, 391 (84, 77, 293, 99, nof)
Final: 64, 287, 110, 171,, 277, 85, 180, 391, 475, 84, (246, 381, 67, 239, 1)
Grand national: 64, 51, 287, 85, 68, 110, 99, 277, 246, 1 (180, 290, 381, 84, 171)
Grade Awards: Novice #69 Josh Hattersley, White #64 Sam Critchley, Yellow #110 Evan Bullock, Blue #112 Tom Armstrong
East Coast Champion - #64 Sam Critchley
Stoke - 27th October 2019 - Sponsored by P Bartram Grabloaders - Fun meeting
Stoke - 2nd November 2019 - Sponsored by Southam Mini & Metro Centre and Team #171 - Whites & Yellows Championship
W&Y championship: 27, 171, 311, 55, 51, 291, 287, 911, 120, 277 (361, 92, 64, 234, nof)
Heat 2: 1, 246, 93, 84, 475, 381, 299, 391, 92, 180 (29, 211, 77, 186, 239)
Consolation: 290, 335, 925, 239, 77, 110, 361, 211, 233, 85 (92, 67, 64, 443, nof)
Final: 381, 246, 1, 475, 290, 391, 29, 299, 84, 93 (287, 277, 51, 361, 239)
Grand national: 381, 1, 246, 299, 475, 290, 180, 84, 29, 67 (120, 64, 51, 277, 293)
Grade Awards: Novice #92 Ellie Squire, White #171 Tom Dunne, Yellow #27 Luke Syrett-Barsby, Blue #29 Gracie Squire
Belle Vue - 3rd November 2019 - Sponsored by Complete Interior Midlands
Heat 1: 211, 51, 391, 84, 381, 299, 361, 64, 27, 290 (85, 287, 233, nof)
Heat 2: 1, 475, 67, 246, 171, 51, 291, 77, 391, 180 (361, 29, 110, 55, 287)
Heat 3: 1, 246, 335, 171, 27, 180, 84, 381, 67, 77 (120, 291, 311, 299, 85)
Final: 171, 180, 475, 67, 381, 246, 64, 77, 1, 84 (110, 51, 311, 361, 290)
Grade Awards: Novice #92 Ellie Squire, White #171 Tom Dunne, Yellow #27 Luke Syrett-Barsby, Blue #67 Henry Robson
Belle Vue - 10th November 2019 - Sponsored by Evans Autos - World of Shale
WoS: 1, 211, 27, 246, 291, 180, 29, 77, 51, 475 (287, 67, 361, nof)
Heat 1: 64, 67, 381, 1, 925, 361, 93, 287, 84, 211 (391, 77, 233, 55, 27)
Heat 2: 171, 335, 85, 28, 392, 84, 361, 287, 180, 290 (64, 443, 246, 211, nof)
Heat 3: 180, 67, 391, 93, 77, 171, 290, 443, 335, 51 (475, 120, 27, 246, nof)
Final: 171, 381, 391, 67, 335, 180, 84, 475, 55, 287 (51, 290, 29, 85, 443)
Grade Awards: Novice n/a, White #171 Tom Dunne, Yellow #361 Lucy Shaw, Blue #67 Henry Robson
World of Shale Champion - #392 Lewis Evans